
Missed A Day? It’s Okay!

Life happens. There will be days when you can’t even find time to open your journal, never mind making a to-do list. I missed 3 days this week, I was travelling and barely had time to think, let alone journal. There will be days like this for you, and maybe days where you just can’t. So do you give up? Say this is not for you? of COURSE you don’t. You pick it up the next day. Fill your blank pages with doodles, tape a picture in your journal, use some washi tape, let your kid draw on it or, GASP! Just leave it blank. Give yourself permission to do this. Journalling is supposed to be a tool to make your life easier, not harder. Pick a time each day when you can journal so that it helps take away your stress instead of adding to it. Remember, this is fun!