Mixed Media Art

Graceful Stems

This was an absolute joy to create. Mixed media art is what I always wanted in a passion: It’s never the same, the steps are short, (which bodes well for my attention span), and there are always new things to learn. This piece, “Graceful Stems”, is the result of a Laly Mille class and I am definitely making more of these. My flowers turned out to be half peony and half rose, which I love.

I worked in chalk paint, watercolour, acrylic, gesso and various other media. I won’t show you a picture of the current state of my studio because it will scare you.

The words I pulled from Tim Holtz Idealology stickers and a bridal magazine that I have owned since 2004 – it’s about time it was useful.

This is posted for sale in the shop and now I’m trying to think of what I want to paint next.

What flower would you like to see as part of the collection of Graceful Stems? Tell us in the comments below!