Artists I Love, Mixed Media Art

Why I Am A Laly Mille Student

Being an artist is a rewarding and fulfilling calling. For me, it’s not really something to pick at when I’m bored, it’s a need. A driving need to create, to experiment, to express. I am always looking at the work of other artists for inspiration and when I saw Laly Mille’s work blending the natural world of the French countryside and her love of all things vintage, I was hooked. I discovered Laly last year when I saw her work on Willowing Arts. It was so expressive and so reflective of my own style that I couldn’t stop myself from purchasing a class. This is in now way a sponsored post, I do not work for Laly and am not affiliated with her in anyway, other than having the privilege of being one of her students.

Student work from Laly Milles Wild Roses class

Laly inspires her students to use what they have to express a thought, dream, or emotion through mixed media techniques. She breaks down the process in a way that anyone can learn, regardless of skill level, and creates a comfortable atmosphere that inspires creativity and a passion for the natural world.

Last year I was able to participate in her Flower Flow class, which she describes as “A luminous journey of self-discovery through mixed media painting…” It really helped me stretch my mixed media skill and I used her techniques to create the below canvas.

Field Of Poppies

I was lucky enough to have this piece featured on her blog and site as an example of student work. You can see it here. I can’t tell you what it means to be able to take her style, blend it with my own, and create something that I love so much.

Not only do I enjoy her classes for what I can learn and to be inspired, I have to tell you, her voice and the music that she selects to enhance her videos is amazingly soothing and meditative. I sometimes play them while I’m working on other projects just because of the feelings of relaxation and peace I absorb while the main part of my brain is focused on other things.

As artists, we are always learning and growing. What a blessing it is when we have the opportunity to learn from each other and add it to our own style and body of work. I am a firm believer that no matter how much natural talent we have, there is something to learn from everyone. If you are feeling like you are in a rut, or can’t seem to find the inspiration to start a piece, I suggest you visit her site for a refreshing view from an artist that has been where you are and can help you on an artistic journey to something new. If you are already familiar with Laly, We would love to hear your story. If not, please take a minute to visit her site and let us know what you think.

Do you have a current favourite artist that is inspiring you to create lately? Let us know in the comments!

You can see other work inspired by Laly on our Instagram

6 thoughts on “Why I Am A Laly Mille Student”

  1. I can wholeheartedly agree with all you’ve said above… I came upon laly when she done her free workshop and I totally agree with her method of working with her music her love of nature and her holistic approach and it came in a time when I was going through a health challenge myself and it helped me immensely!
    I have joined a few of lalys workshops and I throughly enjoy everyone of them.
    I too am proud to be a laly mille student i am learning so much! Thank you

  2. Merci pour ce partage, j’aime également beaucoup les cours de Laly Mille

  3. As a fellow Laly Mille student, share all your sentiments! Thank you for verbalising.

  4. Loveeeee your piece! Which class did you take to learn to do these beauties?

    1. Hi Donna
      One piece is from wild roses. These other is one I made using techniques from Flower Flow. So much fun!

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